Thursday, May 27, 2010

short story

Sometimes, I underestimate the mind of children.  I really try not to because I learned a long time ago they are smarter than we give them credit for (even as infants), but still I'm amazed at what my child (and other kids too) says sometimes.
     Jay, Ansley, and I were on our way to the track as we have done a lot this spring/summer.  Jay was going to run of course while Ansley and I were gonna walk.  Anyway, out of nowhere Ansley asks, "Mom, why doesn't the track have a mailbox".  So in all my wisdom I said because no one lives here.  Without any hesitation at all she replies, "no one lives at the church".   I mean come on that is some serious quick thinking.  I just said back to her, "you are so right" and had to laugh.  Then of course Jay tells her that people work at the church and they send mail there and yada yada yada.  Obviously she had noticed at some point that the church has a mailbox and the entire block where the track is does not.  But it just had me amazed first of all at the random question and then how quickly she responded.  I have a feeling that this ability to think so quick on her feet will not be as astonishing when I am trying to discuss curfew (and other similar topics) with a teenager in a few years.  But for now I am going to marvel at God's precious creation that He is allowing me to parent and thank Him for His goodness in our lives.  

This picture is from a month or two  ago.  If you notice her arms she is pretending to be holding the reins of a horse.  I think she thinks that it makes her faster.  She runs with Jay on his warm up and cool down laps.  

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